Workshop on high-resolution ocean modelling for coupled seamless predictions

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 to Friday, April 15, 2016
Event City: 
Event Attendance: 
Event Description: 

An international workshop on high-resolution ocean modelling for coupled seamless predictions

Scope: The scientific development of ocean models and global coupled prediction systems at resolutions of order 1/12 ° for seasonal to decadal prediction and short-range weather forecasting.


  • Identification of expected improvements to processes and performance
  • Clarification of the key choices for ocean model configurations and parametrisations
  • Development of coherent designs and collaborations for experiments and diagnostics


Session 1: Why is high resolution required, What are the expected improvements to processes and science outcomes.
Session 2: Development of coherent designs and collaborations for experiments.
Session 3: What are the numerical, HPC and parameterisation challenges of high resolution.

For more details please see the first announcement, flyer and the web-site.
A second announcement inviting submission of abstracts will be made in the second half of November.