AAMP Resources and Publications

Panel related meetings and workshops

  1. 4th DYNAMO Planning Meeting, Miami, Florida (March 2011)
  2. 2nd PAGES Global Monsoon Symposium, Shanghai, China (September 2010)
  3. PAGES 1st Asia 2k Workshop in Japan (August 2010)
  4. 7th AMY Workshop, Pune, India (July 2010)
  5. BAMS article in press on the Workshop on Modeling Monsoon Intraseasonal Variability, Busan, Republic of Korea (June 2010)
  6. MISMO Workshop agenda and presentations (November 2008)
  7. U.S.-Mexico Workshop on Monsoon Region Climate Applications (May 2006)
  8. Symposium on Asian Winter Monsoon (April 2006)
  9. MJO workshop report and presentations (March 2006)
  10. DYNAMIC PLANET 2005 (August 2005)
  11. PAN-WCRP Monsoon Workshop (June 2005)
  12. Indian Ocean Modeling Workshop (Nov-Dec 2004), agenda and talks
  13. Workshop on Sustained Observations of Climate in the Indian Ocean, SOCIO (April 2000)


Relevant CLIVAR Publications

  1. AGU journal, a review paper on Indian Ocean Circulation and Climate Variability, by F.A. Schott et al, January 2009
  2. BAMS article on the Mismo Field Experiment in the Equatorial Indian Ocean, by K.Yoneyama et al, December 2008
  3. Asian Monsoon Years (2007-2012) Implementation Plan, June 2008
  4. Asian Monsoon Years (2007-2012) Science Plan, April 2008
  5. The YOTC Science Plan (2008) WMO/TD-No. 1452
  6. Asian Meteorological Online Newsletter
  7. Bibliography on Asian Monsoons
  8. A Special Issue on Indian Ocean Climate published in J. of Climate (Vol. 20, Issue 13, July 2007)
  9. Asian summer monsoon anomalies induced by aerosol direct forcing - the role of the Tibetan Plateau
  10. GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment (GAME) Status in pdf
  11. Catalogue of Model Intercomparison Projects
  12. Will the next monsoon cause drought or flooding? + part 2
  13. Monsoon forecasting method to help out farmers
  14. AAMP prospectus in pdf
  15. National reports prepared for 4th CLIVAR/AAMP meeting
Links to Panel related meetings and workshops and to Relevant CLIVAR Publications