Endorsement Criteria and Process
For Projects
Since the Initial Implementation Plan recognised that plans would need to be updated and changed based on national interests and and scientific developments. CLIVAR should be seen to be responsive to these requests for endorsement of new activities under the CLIVAR banner.
Below are guidelines on how such requests should be submitted to CLIVAR, how the programme assesses them and formulates a response.
- A request for CLIVAR "endorsement" for a research project, should be addressed or forwarded to the ICPO (icpo@clivar.org). Such request should include information on the following:
- A description of the activity - objectives, scope, duration, and relevance to CLIVAR's present activities (and to those of other WCRP projects)
- The proposer's view of the benefits to the proposed activity, and to CLIVAR/WCRP, of the endorsement that is sought.
- How the project might interact with CLIVAR and the proposed form of any joint activities with CLIVAR
- Description of any financial implications
- List of the project's Scientific Steering Committee
- The information will be passed to the SSG and to members of appropriate CLIVAR Panels and WGs for comment.
- The ICPO will pass to the proposer (in the name of the SSG co-chairs), CLIVAR's response describing the form of the collaboration/endorsement that CLIVAR is willing to provide.
Note: Whenever possible this process should take no longer than 2 months from receipt of the formal request.
For Activities
Requests for CLIVAR endorsement of activities (conference, meeting or workshop) may be seen as helpful in getting financial support from national agencies for such activity. In case of such request, applications for endorsement should be made to the ICPO (icpo@clivar.org) against the following headings:
- Title of meeting or workshop
- Proposed venue
- Proposed dates
- Proposed attendees, including likely number
- Rationale, motivation and justification, including relevance to CLIVAR
- Specific objectives
- Anticipated outcomes
- Format
- Science Organising Committee
- Local Organising Committee