TACE GOAL is to advance the understanding of coupled ocean-atmosphere processes and improve climate prediction for the Tropical Atlantic region

TACE Observational Strategy. The proposed observing system components include (see legend): Continuation of PIRATA moorings; PIRATA extensions along 23 º W, 10-20º S off Brazil, and 5-10º E off West Africa; equatorial subsurface moorings at 35º W, 23 ºW, 10º W, and 0º E; island meteorological and tide gauge stations; enhanced fl oat/drifter coverage in the eastern tropical Atlantic; repeated atmospheric soundings along 23 º W; ship-of-opportunity XBT lines, and selected glider transects.


Planning Documents

Information on Ongoing and Planned Activities:

Surface Fluxes in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic (PDF, 72 KB)

A. Plueddemann, WHOI, USA

Equatorial Upwelling Rates inferred from Helium Isotope Data (PDF, 80 KB)

M. Rhein, Uni. Bremen, GERMANY

Diapycnal mixing processes in the upwelling regions of the tropical Atlantic (PDF, 80 KB)

M. Dengler, IFM-GEOMAR and Uni. Kiel, GERMANY

Transport variability in the equatorial Atlantic (PDF 152 KB)

P. Brandt, IFM-GEOMAR and Uni. Kiel, GERMANY

Circulation within the subtropical cell of the Atlantic Ocean (PDF 124 KB)

F. Schott, IFM-GEOMAR and Uni. Kiel, GERMANY

Study of the upper layers and of the air-sea exchanges in the Gulf of Guinea (PDF 1.4 MB)

B. Bourles, Centre IRD de Brest, FRANCE

Improvement and Analysis of Tropical Ocean Climate Hindcasts Using Global Ocean Data Assimilation System (HYCOM) (PDF 124 KB)

G. Halliwell, RSMAS/UM, C. Wang, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA

Tropical and South Atlantic Data and Data Product Availability(PDF 92 KB)

B. Molinari, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA

Meridional Heat Transport in the South Atlantic Ocean (PDF 80 KB)

S. Garzoli, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA

Quasi-synoptic collection of oceanographic and meteorological observations from a Reserach Vessel (PDF 100 KB)

B. Molinari, R. Lumpkin and C. Schmid, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA

Expansion of the Argo array of profiling floats in the tropical Atlantic (PDF 140 KB)

S. Garzoli and C. Schmid, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA

Satellite Altimetry Observations (PDF 40 KB)

G. Goni, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA

Enhancing the northeastern Tropical Atlantic Ocean Observing System (PDF 284 KB)

B. Molinari, R. Lumpkin and C. Schmid, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA

High Density XBT/XCTD lines in the Tropical Atlantic (PDF 32 KB)

G, Goni, M. Baringer, AOML/NOAA, Miami USA, and S. Arnault, LOCEAN Paris FRANCE

Modelling Tropical Atlantic Mesoscale field (PDF 116 KB)

P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, MIT, Cambridge USA

Changes in Thermohaline Ventilation Rates (PDF 100 KB)

R. Fine, RSMAS, Miami USA

Changes in Tropical Atlantic climate variability and its teleconnections (PDF 52 KB)

W. Hazeleger, R. Haarsma and W.P. Breugem, KNMI, De Bilt, NL

Proposed Study of Circulation and Heat Storage Variability in the Atlantic ITCZ Triangle (PDF 384 KB)

K.D. Leaman and W.E. Johns, RSMAS, Miami USA

Observations Working Group

The TACE observations working group will help coordinate observational activities in the tropical Atlantic that will lead to improved understanding of key ocean-atmosphere processes in the tropical Atlantic and provide data for improved initialization and assimilation into coupled predictive systems. The WG will work with the TACE Modeling and Synthesis WG and other involved research groups (e.g., the PIRATA program and various operational centers) to help design an optimal observing system for the tropical Atlantic and to determine the necessary sustained observation network in the tropical Atlantic to meet future climate forecasting needs.

The WG's main activities will include:

1) Coordination and tracking of various international contributions to the envisioned TACE observational strategy

2) Promotion of collaboration between various observational groups to maximize opportunities for shared use of observational platforms and efficient deployment of observing system components

3) Identification of gaps in the observing system and evaluation of possible means to implement the required enhancements

4) Monitoring of data availability and usage by the climate user community.

Mode of operation:

  • The group will primarily communicate through e-mail and meet ad-hoc during workshops and conferences at which different members of the groups are present (e.g. the annual Tropical Atlantic workshop).
  • The group will report to CLIVARs Atlantic Implementation panel through its chairs and liase with the steering committees of various active research programs in the tropical Atlantic including PIRATA, AMMA, and AMI. A website will be maintained with information on TACE-related observations with links to the available data (click here)

Modelling & Synthesis Working Group

In particular the working group will coordinate modelling activities that lead to improved coupled predictive systems by:

a) the design of an optimal observing system for the tropical Atlantic

b) coordinate model activities and ocean synthesis. Close collaborations with operational groups is expected.

The WG will contribute to the following issues:

  • Determine oceanic processes important in regulating SST in the tropical Atlantic and associated responses.
  • Improve SST forecasts on seasonal to interannual time scales in the tropical Atlantic.
  • Provide parameterizations and model improvements to global and regional prediction centers.
  • Investigate response of tropical Atlantic region to global warming, including teleconnection patterns
  • Improve the design and performance of the required ocean observing system.

Initial activities of the WG are:

1) Set up coordinated model intercomparison experiments to investigate the impact of horizontal resolution, mixing parameterizations and vertical coordinate representation on simulation of tropical Atlantic ocean following WGOMD protocols (e.g. using the CORE surface forcing fields). Compare these runs with available observations including the new TACE data with emphasis on the upper ocean in the eastern equatorial Atlantic and upwelling areas.

2) Set up design experiments in collaboration with the TACE observational WG to test optimal design of observing system to improve SST predictions in the tropical Atlantic and demonstrate improved coupled prediction skill in the tropical Atlantic with enhanced observations.

3) Provide Tropical Atlantic data from hind-cast experiments in ocean and atmosphere over the last 50 years including synthesis data sets (e.g. ECCO, ENACT, SODA, NCEP/Reanalysis).

4) Provide data from global warming scenario experiments to indicate expected changes in the tropical Atlantic (e.g. IPCC runs collected by WGCMD).

5) Advice the CLIVAR Atlantic Implementation panel on TACE related issue

Mode of operation: The group will primarily communicate through e-mail and meet ad-hoc during workshops and conferences at which different members of the groups are present (e.g. the annual Tropical Atlantic workshop). The group will report its advances to CLIVARs Atlantic Implementation panel through its chairs and liase with the CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development, Working Group on Seasonal to Interannual Prediction and PIRATA Steering group. A website will be maintained with information on the TACE modelling and synthesis activities, including links to relevant data.


TACE GOAL is to advance the understanding of coupled ocean-atmosphere processes and improve climate prediction for the Tropical Atlantic region