The Observing System in the Atlantic Sector
Climate projects in the Atlantic will greatly benefit from co-ordination among the various countries and investigators interested in working there. Key to the success of the efforts to co-ordinate plans will be a timely exchange of information.
This web page aims to give the most comprehensive inventory of ongoing and planned observational efforts in the Atlantic (sustained and part of process studies) which will provide the means for people to learn about potential collaborations and pursue those collaborations.
If you are presently making climate-related observations in the Atlantic (please interpret this broadly, as most oceanic and atmospheric observations can in fact help better understand the coupled system in the Atlantic), whether for operational or research purposes, or if you are planning future observational efforts could you please send to Jing Li (International CLIVAR Project Office) with the following information:
- Type of the observations (moorings, CTD, ADCP etc...)
- Locations (lat, long) and parameters measured
- Duration of the observations (start, stop times)
- Contact person (including e-mail address)
- Data availability (i.e. where the data will be stored and accessibility)
- Additional information (e.g. project name, objectives, webpage, possible collaborations etc.)