2020 OSM Town Hall: TH43G - IndOOS-2: A Roadmap to Better Observations and Predictions of the Rapidly Warming Indian Ocean

Thursday, February 20, 2020
Event City: 
San Diego
Event Contact: 
Jing Li
Event Description: 

The below Town Hall is proposed by CLIVAR/IOC-GOOS Indian Ocean Region Panel (IORP).

Thursday, 20 February 2020
12:45 - 13:45
SDCC - 9, UL

We propose a Town Hall to spread the word about the outcomes of a recent review of the Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS) and to receive input from the community regarding (a) implementation of the IndOOS-2 and (b) improvement of end-user products and services, including models and predictions.

Almost two-thirds of humanity live around the Indian Ocean, many in countries dependent on fisheries and rain-fed agriculture that are highly vulnerable to climate variability and change. Gaps in the Indian Ocean observing system thus far have limited forecasting efforts, left large discrepancies in the basin-wide energy budget, and kept us in the dark about ecosystem stressors. A recent review of the IndOOS by more than 60 scientific experts provides a roadmap to an improved observing network: IndOOS-2. 

The goals of this Town Hall are to reach out to the broader community and facilitate new ideas and partnerships among nations and institutions, as well as among observers, modelers, and developers of products and services in order to implement an IndOOS-2 that can meet future societal need for predictability of Indian Ocean climate and ecosystems across time scales from sub seasonal to decadal and beyond.

Primary Contact
Lisa M Beal, University of Miami

Caroline Ummenhofer, WHOI
Roxy Mathew Koll, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology