2nd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate
The 2nd Open Science Symposium on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate (2nd OSS-2015) is to be held on October 26-28, 2015 in Busan, Korea under the auspices of NPOCE (Northwestern Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment) and SPICE (Southwest Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate Experiment), which will provide a forum for oceanographers, meteorologists and climate scientists to exchange recent progresses and advances in their study of the Western Pacific Ocean (WPO) circulation and climate, marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem, their variability, changes and impacts, to explore opportunities for international scientific collaboration, and to promote interdisciplinary study in WPO. It will be an excellent opportunity for students, early career and young scientists working in the field to show-case their research, gain international exposure, and shape their academic career directions.
The first OSS on Western Pacific Ocean Circulation and Climate, organized by NPOCE and SPICE, was held on October 15-17, 2012 in Qingdao, China. A special section of the Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR) will be published soon, which can be downloaded from the website of JGR-Oceans now. Another special section of JGR is planned to start right after the 2nd OSS-2015.
Topic and Scope:
Session 1: Western Boundary Currents (WBCs) dynamics and variability;
Session 2: Interaction of WPO circulation with adjacent waters (e.g., the East and South China Seas, ITF, Indian Ocean, extra-tropical Pacific Ocean);
Session 3: Roles of WPO circulation variability in warm pool and ENSO variability;
Session 4: Influences of WPO on regional (e.g., monsoon, typhoon, extreme climatic events) and global climate systems and their predictability;
Session 5: WPO’s role in and impacts on carbon cycle, biogeochemical process, acidification, ecosystem, paleo-oceanography, and so on.
Important Dates:
Abstract submission (on line): May 15~July 31, 2015
Registration: May 15, 2015 ~
Abstract acceptance notification: August 31, 2015
The symposium will be held on 26-28 October 2015 at Paradise Hotel, Busan, Korea.
Symposium Website: http://oss2015.wix.com/join
Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC):
Dunxin Hu (IOCAS, China), Alexandre Ganachaud (IRD, France)
Wenju Cai (CSIRO, Australia), Dake Chen (SIO, SOA, China),
Sophie Cravatte (IRD, France), Minhan Dai (Xiamen Univ., China),
Arnold Gordon (Univ. of Columbia, US), Dongchull Jeon (KIOST, Korea),
William Kessler (NOAA, US), Jae-Hak Lee (KIOST, Korea),
Yukio Masumoto (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan), Angelique Melet (LEGOS, France),
Bo Qiu (Univ. of Hawaii, US), Stephen Riser (Univ. of Washington, US),
Bernadette Sloyan (CSIRO, Australia), Janet Sprintall (Scripps IO, US),
Matin Visbeck (GEOMAR, Germany), Fan Wang (IOCAS, China),
Susan Wijffels (CSIRO, Australia), Lixin Wu (Ocean Univ. of China, China),
Dongliang Yuan (IOCAS, China)
Local Organizing Committee (LOC):
Jae-Hak Lee (LOC Chair, Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
Dongchull Jeon (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
Kyung-Il Chang (Seoul National University)
Sang-Wook Yeh (Hanyang University)
Dong-Jin Kang (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
LOC secretariat:
Young Ho Kim (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
Tel: +82-31-400-7697, Fax: +82-31-408-5829, E-mail: yhkim@kiost.ac.kr
Kwang-Yeon Lee (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)
Tel: +82-31-400-6109, Fax: +82-31-408-5829, E-mail: oss2015gaia@gmail.com