TROPICS Workshop
The TROPICS WG is a joint group between CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel, CLIVAR Pacific Panel, and WCRP CFMIP, with an aim to better understand the mechanisms behind the formation of tropical SST warming patterns across the past, present, and future. We would like to invite you to our first in-person WG workshop, scheduled for September 17-19, 2024 at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg. The primary objective is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and collaborative brainstorming. We hope this will lead to the initiation of several collaborative projects. The workshop will be organized around three key themes:
(1) Tropical feedbacks in models and observations,
(2) Role of persistent model biases and sensitivity to model resolution,
(3) Remote forcings and teleconnections.
The workshop will involve around 30 people, so expect lots of discussion. The goal is to foster fruitful discussions, so there is no need for a polished conference-style talk. You can choose any presentation format, from a few pages of slides on ongoing work to a more comprehensive talk on a recently published work. Regardless of the format, kindly conclude your presentation with open questions/knowledge gaps/suggestions for future work to stimulate free discussion. Each speaker will be tentatively allocated 20 min for presentation and 20 min for discussion. We will then conclude each day with a synthesis discussion on the proposed future plans on the theme of the day.