West Antarctic Peninsula Working Group Workshop
The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) is an international initiative that aims to facilitate the collection and delivery of essential observations on variability and change of the Southern Ocean systems to all international stakeholders through the design, advocacy and implementation of costeffective observing and data delivery systems. We have been approved to develop a Working Group for the West Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). This region has an extensive international presence that currently is distributed with limited coordination. Improving this coordination is especially important given observed changes in the physics, chemistry and biology occurring in the WAP region over the last few decades. We need your help in defining an optimal WAP component of SOOS, and how it should operate over time to help the different national programs adopt best practices for collaborations and data sharing. We are inviting you to participate in a workshop in May 2017, at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK. The aims of the workshop are to share information about the existing sustained observational programs along the WAP and plans/aspirations for their futures, to discuss how a WAP component of SOOS might be constructed in the context of these activities, and how such a system might be best implemented and operated. We will have a number of keynote speakers, time for discussions, and there will an opportunity for you to present your research – past, present and future aims - in a poster session. We are planning to produce a special issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society as a further output from the meeting, and will be soliciting contributions.
Registration is online, and more information can be found on the SOOS website.