CLIVAR PRP-13 and ENSO RF-2 held in San Pedro de Manglaralto, Ecuador
The 13th Session of the CLIVAR Pacific Region Panel (PRP-13) and the 2nd Session of the CLIVAR Research Focus on ENSO in a Changing Climate (ENSO RF-2) took place at Centro Nacional de Acuicultura e Investigaciones Marinas (CENAIM-ESPOL) in San Pedro de Manglaralto, Ecuador on 15 October 2018. Parallel discussions were held in the morning for PRP-13 and ENSO RF-2 respectively, and a PRP-ENSO RF joint session was held in the afternoon. The meetings focused on the progress and future plans of the two groups, in particular on the following issues:
- ENSO metrics, including an automated package for evaluating and comparing ENSO simulations.
- Integrating the ENSO RF into the PRP.
- The way forward to interact with TPOS2020.
- Activities on western boundary currents and the oceanic connection between the Pacific and Indian Ocean.
- Interactions of the PRP with the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) through the existing joint CLIVAR/PICES working group on “Climate and Ecosystem Predictability”.
- Contribution to OceanObs’19 from PRP’s perspective.
- PRP’s involvement in upcoming meetings.
In the near future, the integrated PRP-ENSO group is exploring the possibility of developing future activities on tropical-extratropical teleconnections, biogeochemical/ecological impacts, ENSO conceptual models, and emergent constraints for future ENSO changes.