Sophie Cravatte
Sophie Cravatte is a researcher at IRD (French National Research Institute for Sustained Development) currently based in LEGOS (New Caledonia). She is a physical oceanographer, expert in ocean equatorial dynamics and climate variability in the Tropical Pacific. She got her PhD in 2003, at University of Toulouse, in France, and joined IRD in 2004. She spent 5 years in New Caledonia from 2011 to 2016, 6 years in Toulouse (France), and is now back in New Caledonia.
Her current research interests are on oceanic circulation variability in the Tropical Pacific (including low-latitude western boundary currents), Marine Heatwaves, on fine-scale ocean dynamics, and on the equatorial current system dynamics. She works mainly with various observations, including satellite and in situ data. She served as a member of the TPOS2020 international project steering committee, being co-chair of the Backbone Task Team, aiming at redesigning the observing system in the Tropical Pacific. She is now member of the TPOS Scientific Advisory Committee, and member of the NPOCE Scientific Steering Committee.