Program - 2014 Pan-CLIVAR Meeting
Programme (11 July 2014)
Monday and Tuesday - 14-15 July
CLIVAR panel meetings
Integrated ocean-focused panels meeting agendas |
Monsoon-focused panels meeting agendas |
Room allocation and floor maps (version 14 July) |
Panels are asked to review their TORs, review their engagement in the new CLIVAR and WCRP structure and contributions to the CLIVAR Research Foci and WCRP Grand Challenges.
Break-out sessions programmes |
Wednesday - 16th July
8h30 -10h30 GEWEX Conference: Processes and phenomena
10h30 - Coffee Break
11h00 - Pan-CLIVAR Opening Plenary Session (ROOM: Oceania)
Pan-CLIVAR Opening Plenary (Convener: Martin Visbeck)
Opening Talk: Introduction of the new CLIVAR, linkages to GEWEX other GEC projects, including charge to the meeting and overall goals (Detlef Stammer, Lisa Goddard)
New CLIVAR Project Office arrangements (David Carlson)
12h30 - Lunch
13h30 - Breakout sessions - CLIVAR Research Foci
ENSO in a changing climate (Conveners: Eric Guilyardi, Wenju Cai; Rapporteur: Nico Caltabiano) - (ROOM: Europe 1)
Dynamics of Regional Sea Level (Conveners: Detlef Stammer, Catia Domingues; Rapporteur: Han Lei) - (ROOM: Europe 2)
15h00 - Coffee Break
15h30 - Breakout sessions - CLIVAR Research Foci
Decadal Variability and Prediction (Conveners: Yochanan Kushnir, Gokhan Danabasglu, George Boer; Rapporteur: Anna Pirani) - (ROOM: Europe 1)
Attribution and Prediction of Extremes (Conveners: Lisa Alexander, Xuebin Zhang; Rapporteurs: Valery Detemmerman, Rokkan Rao) - (ROOM: Europe 2)
17h00 - break
17h30 - Plenary Reports and Discussion of Breakouts (ROOM: Oceania)
18h00 End of Day
19h00 - GEWEX Conference Banquet at Strandclub WIJ Beach Club for those who have registered and paid for this
Thursday - 17th July
8h30 - 10h30 GEWEX Conference: Water resources
10h30 - Coffee Break
11h00 Breakout sessions - CLIVAR Research Foci and Capabilities
Planetary Heat Balance and Ocean Heat Storage (Conveners: Karina von Schuckmann, Carol Anne Clayson; Rapporteurs: Nico Caltabiano, Han Lei) - (ROOM: Europe 1)
Scoping for a CLIVAR Climate Dynamics Panel (Conveners: Matt Collins, Shoshiro Minobe; Rapporteur: Anna Pirani) - (ROOM: Europe 2)
12h30 - Lunch
13h30 - Breakout sessions - CLIVAR Research Foci
Variability and Predictability of Monsoon Systems (Conveners: Aandy Turner, Dave Gochis; Rapporteurs: Carlos Ereño, Rokkan Rao) - (ROOM: Europe 1)
Biophysical Interactions and Dynamics of Upwelling Systems (Conveners: Ken Drinkwater, Enrique Curchitser; Rapporteur: Nico Caltabiano) - (ROOM: Europe 2)
15h00 - Coffee Break
15.30 - Breakout sessions - CLIVAR Research Capabilities
Sustained Ocean Observations (Conveners: Martin Visbeck, Katy Hill; Rapporteurs: Nico Caltabiano, Han Lei) - (ROOM: Europe 1)
Ocean Model Improvements and Process Studies (Conveners: Gokhan Danabasoglu, Steve Griffies; Rapporteur: Anna Pirani) - (ROOM: Europe 2)
Climate Information and Regional Engagement (Conveners: Clare Goodess, Bruce Hewitson, Francisco Doblas-Reyes, Lisa Goddard; Rapporteurs: Valery Detemmerman, Roberta Boscolo) - (ROOM: Africa)
17h00 - break
17h30 - Plenary Reports and Discussion of Breakouts (ROOM: Oceania)
18h00 End of Day
19h00 ICPO Celebration Dinner (D/WCRP, representatives of ICPO host institutions and sponsors, ICPO staff, SSG members)
Friday - 18th July
8h00-13h30 Joint pan-CLIVAR/pan-GEWEX Plenary (ROOM: Amazon)
8h00 - Overview on GEWEX (Graeme Stephens, Sonia Seneviratne)
8h10 - Overview on CLIVAR (Lisa Goddard, Detlef Stammer)
First Discussion block: Regional climate and extremes (10 mins for presentation and 10 mins discussion) - Chairs: Detlef Stammer, Sonia Seneviratne; Rapporteurs: Valery Detemmerman, Anna Pirani
8h20 - Regional climate projects, activities and challenges (Claire Goodess, Jan Polcher)
8h50 - Modeling and observing changes in Extremes (Xuebin Zhang, Lisa Alexander)
9h20 - Drought
- Taikan Oki
- Sigfried Schubert
9h50 - Heavy precipitation
10h20 - Final discussion
10h30 - Coffee Break
Second Discussion bock: Large-scale circulation, predictability, and air-sea fluxes (10 mins for presentation and 10 mins discussion) - Chairs: Lisa Goddard, Graeme Stephens; Rapporteurs: Anna Pirani, Carlos Ereño, Rokkan Rao
11h00 Air-Sea Fluxes
11h30 Monsoons
12h00 Circulation and climate dynamics
12h30 Seasonal to decadal variability and predictability
13h15 - Final discussion
13h25 - Closing words (Graeme Stephens, Detlef Stammer)
Discussion leads to prepare a short report on the discussions, which will be discussed at the joint GEWEX-CLIVAR SSG meeting on Saturday morning
13h30 - Lunch
14h30 CLIVAR Plenary (ROOM: Oceania)
Regional and Climate Activities (10 mins for presentation and 10 mins discussion)
Africa Climate Research for Development (Arame Tall, Fred Semazzi. Richard Anyah; Rapporteur: Anna Pirani)
Development agenda for Latin America and Caribbean (Roberto Mechoso; Rapporteur: Carlos Ereño)
15h30 - Coffee break
CLIVAR Science and Implementation Plan
16h00 US CLIVAR experience in assembling US Plan (Bob Weller, Lisa Goddard)
16.30 Towards the CLIVAR Science and Implementation Plan (all)
17.30 Meeting Closure
19h00 Joint CLIVAR/GEWEX SSG Exec dinner (TBC)
Saturday, July 19
Joint GEWEX and CLIVAR SSG meeting
8h30-10h00 Discussion of actions arising from joint sessions and JSC
Regional activities - follow on from ACC, LACC
Sea Level GC
Climate Dynamics (Panel)
S2S prediction/predictability
Surface Fluxes
10h00 Coffee break
CLIVAR SSG meeting (in parallel with GEWEX SSG)
10h30 - Reports from panels and research foci teams
12h00 - Discussion on future directions
13h00 - End of CLIVAR SSG meeting