Program - High Resolution Ocean Climate Modeling
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Monday, April 7, 2014
08:15 - 08:45 Registration
08:45 - 08:50 Welcome and logistics - C. Böning (GEOMAR, Germany)
08:50 - 09:00 Workshop objectives - A. M. Treguier (IFREMER)
09:00 - 09:15 WCRP and CLIVAR Grand Challenges - D. Stammer (U. Hamburg, Germany)
Session 1:Introduction and Review of Current Understanding (Chair: A. M. Treguier, IFREMER, France)
(25 minute talk, 10 minute questions and discussion)
09:15 - 09:50
S. Griffies (GFDL/NOAA, USA) - Mesoscale Eddies and Climate: How do eddies interact with large-scale ocean circulation? How well are they represented in current models? State of the art as presented at the 2009 WGOMD workshop on mesoscale eddies and the recent literature.
09:50 - 10:25
J. Small (NCAR, USA) - Air-Sea interaction at western boundary currents: an updated review (abstract)
10:25 - 10:55 Break
10:55 - 11:30
H. Hasumi (U. Tokyo, Japan) - Resolution dependence of climate biases, variability and sensitivity in comprehensive Earth System Models (abstract)
11:30 - 12:05
W. Dewar (FSU, USA) - Thoughts on (Ocean) Eddy Resolving Coupled Models (abstract)
12:05 - 13:15 Lunch
Session 2: Ongoing Work – State-of-the-Art Simulations (Chair: G. Danabasoglu, NCAR, USA)
Representatives from different climate modeling efforts will present:
(1) a very brief summary of their current state-of-the-art simulations;
(2) the scientific questions they are applying high-resolution simulations to;
(3) the main challenges they see to progress in high-resolution modeling;
(4) a list of the questions they would like discussed during the meeting.
(10 minute talk + 2 minutes for change) 1 slide maximum for each of the items listed above
13:15 - 15:15
H. Tsujino (JMA/MRI, Japan) - Current efforts of ocean-climate modeling using high-resolution ocean models in JMA/MRI (abstract)
H. Sasaki (JAMSTEC, Japan) - Towards a realistic submesoscale resolving simulation (abstract)
H. Hasumi (U. Tokyo, Japan) - Report on ongoing work in COCO-MIROC group
P. Spence (U. New South Wales, Australia) - Climate Modeling Initiatives within the ARC Centre of Excellence Climate System Science
M. Roberts (Met Office, UK) - High resolution ocean/climate modelling in the UK
M. Bentsen (Uni Climate, Norway) - Quarter degree resolution ocean component of the Norwegian Earth System Model
W. Hazeleger (KNMI, The Netherlands) - EC Earth
J.-S. von Storch (MPI-M, Germany) - High-resolution ocean modelling at the MPI (abstract)
15:15 - 15:45 Break
15:45 - 17:45
P. Braconnot, G. Madec (IPSL, France) - Towards coupling with 1/4° océan for climate change experiments at IPSL (abstract)
T. Penduff for L. Terray (CERFACS) - High resolution coupled modeling at CERFACS (CERFACS/CNRM CMP5 Group)
S. Masina (CMCC, Italy) - Ocean modelling at CMCC (abstract)
C. Böning (GEOMAR, Germany), A. M. Treguier (IFREMER, France), G. Nurser (NOC, UK) - DRAKKAR 2003-2013: from eddy permitting to eddy resolving global ocean
E. Chassignet (FSU, USA) - HYCOM High Resolution Simulations
F. Bryan (NCAR, USA) - High Resolution Comunity Earth System Model (CESM)
M. Maltrud (LANL, USA) - US Department of Energy High Resolution Climate Modeling
M. Winton (GFDL, USA) - Has Coarse Ocean Resolution Biased Simulations of Transient Climate Sensitivity? (abstract)
J. Marshall (MIT, USA) - Role of the Ocean in Transient Climate Change
17:45 - 19:15 Ice-breaker reception at GEOMAR
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Session 3: Ocean Physical Processes, air-sea interactions, and their parameterization (Chair: H. Drange, U. Bergen, Norway)
The shift to higher resolution means that some processes previously parameterized or neglected become explicitly represented, while at the same time there are different requirements for subgrid scale closures. This session will address the challenges and opportunities for improving the representation of physical processes in high-resolution models, and possibly using high-resolution simulation results to improve parameterizations used in coarser models.
(15 minute talk, 5 minute questions)
09:20 - 09:40 B. Arbic (U. Michigan, USA) - Inserting tides and topographic wave drag into high-resolution eddying simulations (abstract)
09:40 - 10:00 E. Chassignet (FSU, USA) - Spreading of Denmark Straight overflow water
10:00 - 10:20 C. Eden (U. Hamburg, Germany) - A framework for energetically consistent ocean models (abstract)
10:20 - 10:50 Break
10:50 - 11:10 M. Nikurashin (UTAS, Australia) - Diapycnal mixing and form drag due to small-scale topography
11:10 - 11:30 J. Marshall (MIT, USA) - Using ocean-only models to study the role of the ocean in climate change (abstract)
11:30 - 11:50 B. Taguchi (JAMSTEC, Japan) - Large-scale ocean-atmosphere interaction enhanced by oceanic frontal variability in the North Pacific (abstract)
11:50 - 12:10 M. Latif (GEOMAR, Germany) – Mid-latitude Ocean Weather Influence on North Pacific Sector Climate (abstract)
12:10 - 13:20 Lunch
13:20 - 13:40 R. Hallberg (GFDL, USA) - Challenges in Modeling Ice / Ocean Interactions MOM6 SIS sea ice massShelf sideWeddell Sea icebergs (abstract)
13:40 - 14:00 A. Hogg (ANU, Australia) - Submesoscales in the Southern Ocean (abstract)
14:00 - 14:20 B. Fox Kemper (Brown U., USA) - The Importance of Scale-Aware Physical Parameterizations Mesoscale to Submesoscale Permitting Simulations (abstract)
14:20 - 14:40 A. Leboissetier (NASA GISS) - Interactions Between Sea Ice and Mesoscale Eddies
14:40 - 15:10 Discussion
15:10 - 15:40 Break
Session 4: Technical Challenges (Chair: C. Böning, GEOMAR, Germany)
While many groups are using the same codes for eddy-parameterized and eddy-resolved modeling, a number of groups are developing new modeling frameworks for multi-scale modeling. How do we parameterize, test, and verify ocean models with a typical resolution of, say, 0.2° to 0.5°?. What are the lessons learned so far and remaining challenges? The volume of output from high-resolution models can be overwhelming. How can we address the data-glut?
(15 minute talk, 5 minute questions)
T. Penduff (LGGE, France) - Ensembles of eddying ocean simulations for climate: the OCCIPUT prototype (abstract)
15:40 - 16:00 M. Maltrud (LANL, USA) - Ocean Modeling using MPAS-O (abstract)
16:00 - 16:20 S. Danilov (AWI, Germany) - Ocean modeling on unstructured meshes (abstract)
16:20 - 16:40 A. Adcroft (Princeton U., USA) - Vertical coordinates in high resolution models
16:40 - 17:30 Discussion and wrap up
19:00 Dinner
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Session 5: Downscaling (Chair: S. Marsland, CSIRO ACCESS, Australia)
Can high-resolution ocean models be used to downscale climate scenarios for particular regions of interest? How do different methods compare?
(15 minute talk, 5 minute questions)
09:00 - 09:20 E. Curchitser (Rutgers U., USA) - Multi-scale modeling of boundary currents
09:20 - 09:40 T. Tatebe (JAMSTEC, Japan) - Atmospheric responses to the North Pacific mid-latitude SST induced by western boundary currents represented in MIROC5 coupled with a nested regional ocean model (abstract)
09:40 - 10:00 A. Biastoch (GEMOAR, Germany) - Nested ocean modelling
10:00 - 10:20 S. Masson (IPSL, France) - Upscaling processes in a multi-scale ocean-atmosphere coupled model
10:20 - 10:40 Discussion
10:40 - 11:10 Break
Session 6: Metrics and Evaluation (Chair: B. Taguchi, JAMSTEC, Japan)
(15 minute talk, 5 minute questions)
11:10 - 11:30 S. Bishop (NCAS) - Model metrics and validation using ocean heat transport: New insights from observations (abstract)
11:30 - 11:50 D. Stammer (U. Hamburg, Germany) - Evaluating models with remote sensing
11:50 - 12:10 S. Marsland (CSIRO ACCESS, Australia) - The WGNE/WGCM Climate Model Metrics Panel
12:10 - 13:20 Lunch
13:20 - 13:40 M. Balmaseda (ECMWF, UK) - Validating models with in situ observations
13:40 - 14:00 R. Bourdallé-Badie (MERCATOR, France) - Recommendations on metrics and the evaluation of high resolution model & reanalysis
14:00 - 14:20 Discussion
Session 7: Meeting Conclusion and Discussion: Proposals for a new coordinated experiment design (Chair: F. Bryan, NCAR,USA)
This session will be structured around topics, including the ones emerging from session 2 presentations. Some thoughts include the following:
There has thus far been little coordination of experimental design for high-resolution modeling compared to the relatively well-established protocols for CMIP and CORE experiments. Are there common points of reference that can be exploited to help advance the state-of-the-art and facilitate sharing among groups? How best could we share high-resolution simulation data and perform coordinated analysis? Specific scientific questions that only ongoing/planned high-resolution ocean climate simulations can address.
Discussion (F. Bryan)
PRIMAVERA, HighResMIP and CORE proposals (M. Roberts)
17:00 Adjourn